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How It Works

woman looking at desktop screen

Sensi is your silent accountability and risk management tool – analyzing the audio in care environments, detecting anomalies and predicting trends.

Sensi can collect audio data from any existing audio Hardware in the home (Smart speakers, smartphones, tablets, microphones, security cams, etc.), eliminating blind spots, hearsay, and liability exposure.

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Audio Sampling

The system samples audio data from the environment and sends it via wifi to the company’s secure cloud.

Analysis and Processing

The samples are processed 100% automatically to detect anomalies (i.e. falls, adverse events, call for help etc.) and ADLs (i.e. showers, meals, cleaning etc.)


The data that the system marks as notification-worthy (anomalies and ADLs only) will be presented on your dashboard.

Immediate Attention Alerts

If there is an anomaly requiring immediate attention, you will be immediately alerted.

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Performance Alerts

If the system detects signs of exhaustion or burn, it will alert you to contact the caregiver for further assessment. If it detects exceptional care, you will be alerted to reward that caregiver – this all will help with employee satisfaction and retention, as well as high quality of care.

Proactive care enablement

For each specific environment, Sensi is able to provide predictive trends that will help you optimize and adjust the care plan to optimally suit each client’s actual needs, and prevent unwanted events from occurring.

Managed limited Access to the Dashboard

You grant permissions to select staff members, thus managing credentials to access the platform.